Friday, September 9, 2011

Call for Proposals: Teaching Diversity

The Asian Culture Center with funding support from the Felix Chen Memorial Fund and the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, School of Education is calling for proposals from undergraduate or graduate students who arrange to teach a lesson in an MCCSC classroom that addresses:
  • Issues of our nation’s cultural diversity
  • The challenges of living in a democratic, pluralistic society
  • The ethnic history(ies) of our citizens; and/or problems of prejudice
  • Discrimination and/or stereotyping in our society
Funded proposals will be awarded $250 to reward the student and supervising teacher for their time and effort, and help pay for materials needed to develop and teach this lesson.  Two proposals will be awarded each academic year.  Proposals are due November 1st of each year.  The lesson must be taught within one calendar year after receiving the award.  Proposals should include a narrative statement (no more than 250 words) that includes the following:
  1. The location (school, grade level) where the lesson will be taught
  2. The topic and substance of the lesson
  3. The materials to be used in the lesson
  4. The learning activities and experiences to be conducted during the lesson
 In addition, a letter from the MCCSC teacher confirming his/her participation and indicating approximately when the lesson will be taught.  Proposals should be submitted to:

           Chair, Department of Curriculum & Instruction
           School of Education
           3204 W.W. Wright Building
           201 N. Rose Ave.
           Bloomington, IN 47405-1006